Step 6: Adding Areas/Floors

Under Areas in the editing section of your 360-degree-tour, you can divide your tour into areas such as floors (First Floor, Second Floor, Outside Area etc.) to which you can assign 360-degree-images and floor plans.

The areas are displayed in the 360-degree-tour on the left side. The full name of an area shows up when you move your mouse over the colored flag.

NOTE: Areas are only displayed in your 360-degree-tour if more than one area has 360-degree-images assigned to it.

Areas are displayed on the left side of your 360-degree-tour

Creating a new Area

To create a new area for your 360-degree-tour click Create Area and enter a name and an abbreviation. You can change the name of an area as well as the abbreviation by clicking on Change Area Name or Abbreviation.

Note: In a new 360-degree-tour there is always one default area to which all 360-degree-images are assigned.


Assigning 360-degree-images to an area

To move a 360-degree-images to another area, simply drag the image from one area to another one with your mouse (drag&drop).

Note: A 360-degree-image can only be assigned to one area. As soon as you move it over, it is automatically removed from the original area.



  • Open / Close – Expand the view of an area to see all images assigned to it.
  • Move Area Up/Down – Change the position of an area in the 360-degree-tour by moving in up or down using the arrow buttons.



Move to the next article Step 7: Integrating Floor Plans


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